How to Make the Most of a Networking Event

Networking events, although dreaded by some, are a great way to expand your network, exchange ideas, and build professional relationships. For marketing professionals, these events can be particularly important since it provides opportunities to connect with potential clients, collaborators, and industry peers. However, making the most of a networking event can be challenging for some. In this post, we’ll share some tips on how to maximize your experience.
Do Your Research
Before attending a networking event, do your research to find out who will be there and if there will be any topics discussed - although not all networking events will have a formal presentation. Look for a list of attendees or speakers and identify the ones you’d like to connect with. Research their backgrounds and interests, and come up with a few conversation starters or questions to ask them. This will help you feel more prepared and confident when you meet them in person.
Set Goals
Think about what you hope to achieve by attending the event. Are you looking to meet like-minded professionals to get new ideas? Maybe you're looking to identify potential clients. Or, maybe you just want to get out and meet new people. By setting specific goals, you can focus your energy and attention on achieving them.
Bring Business Cards
In this digital world in which we live, business cards may be a thing of the past for some. However, keeping a few on hand can be beneficial at networking events. It's a simple and effective way to exchange contact information with new connections.
Be Approachable
It’s important to be approachable and friendly when attending a networking event. This can be difficult for some (Looking at you, introverts), but don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and start a conversation. Avoid yes or no questions and remember to be an active, engaged listener. It's important not to talk about yourself too much. Networking is about building relationships, not just selling yourself or your services.
Follow Up After the Event
The hard part is over! You were approachable, personable, and you met some new people you're excited to keep connecting with. Send a personalized email or LinkedIn message thanking them for their time and mention something you talked about. You might also suggest meeting up again in the future or arranging a phone call.
Navigating networking events doesn't have to be scary. They can be an effective way to build your professional network and connect with potential clients, collaborators, and peers. By doing your research, setting goals, being approachable, and following up after the event, you can make the most of your networking experience.
Ready to put these skills to use? Don't miss our Networking Event at Fairport Brewing Company on March 15th!
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