7th Annual Collegiate Conference February 28, 2020 at Brook Lea Country Club

AMA | Rochester Collegiate Relations is the only WNY professional marketing association that provides a full day Conference for students enrolled in business programs in WNY Colleges and Universities. Russ McDonald established the Collegiate Conference in 2014 with the collaboration of the Business College Deans at Niagara, RIT, and SJFC. The February 28, 2020 Conference received sponsorships from: Nazareth College – School of Business / Leadership, Niagara University – College of Business Administration, Rochester Institute of Technology – Saunders College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology – School of Communication, St John Fisher College – School of Business, SUNY Brockport – School of Business & Management, and SUNY Geneseo – School of Business. The college sponsorships cover the registration for twenty-five students and participation in the Student Marketing Campaign Competition. Panasonic Industrial IoT Solutions is the sponsor for this year’s Student Marketing Campaign Competition. Brook Lea Country Club is also a sponsor and has been for several years.
The Conference provides unique learning opportunities for the students outside of their academic activities.
The Conference is solely funded by sponsorships and in kind support.
Dr. Uma Gupta, this year’s keynote speaker, is a national speaker, Fulbright scholar and author of several textbooks. Dr. Gupta will conduct a leadership session on “Creating Your Own Path to True Success and Happiness”. Panasonic Industrial IoT Solutions – Student Marketing Campaign Competition case is titled “Lead Generation Acceleration”. The case was discussed in detail on October 21st at Panasonic Rochester Office with the participating students. A team of three students from each sponsoring colleges was selected by the Faculty Advisors to compete. The 1st and 2nd place winners will be announced by Ed Nabrotzky Director Panasonic Industrial IoT Sales / Strategy. The afternoon session will have an opportunity for students to meet with CGI Communications, Dixon Schwabl, and Northwestern Mutual representatives to discuss current and future opportunities. The sponsoring colleges will have a recruitment representative to discuss their business undergraduate and graduate program opportunities as part of the afternoon session.
I would like to thank: Dean Kenneth Rhee Nazareth College, Dean Mark Frascatore Niagara University, Dean Jacqueline Mozrall Rochester Institute of Technology, Dean James Winebrake Rochester Institute of Technology, Dr. Susan Stites- Doe SUNY Brockport, Dean Mary Ellen Zuckerman SUNY Geneseo, Dean Rama Yelkur St John Fisher College, Ed Nabrotzky at Panasonic Industrial IoT Solutions and Brook Lea Country Club for sponsoring this year’s Collegiate Conference.
The Conference also received in kind support from Panther Graphics, Hamilton AV Inc., The Idea Works and Roc-Euro.
Learn MoreRuss McDonald
AMA | Rochester
VP Collegiate Relations
Conference Chair / Organizer