9 Worthwhile Reasons to Enter the Pinnacle Awards

By Katie Kilfoyle Remis
Still debating about whether to enter a submission for AMA Rochester’s Pinnacle Award? Here are 9 reasons why entering is worthwhile. Don’t procrastinate too much longer – the new deadline is 2/21/2019.
#1 Re-use is good for marketing as well as the planet. You are already pulling data and results on 2018 marketing projects for reporting to your team, colleagues, or upper management. It only takes a little more effort to use the same data to create a Pinnacle entry.
#2 You’re not pulling year-end data? Use the Pinnacle awards as a catalyst to do a data dive on your key projects. It’s always worthwhile to review the performance of your past projects to glean insights on what worked well and what didn’t.
#3 Enhance your professional profile. After you submit your Pinnacle entry, upload those same top measurable results to your LinkedIn profile. They are also a strong addition to your resume if you’re looking for your next great marketing gig.
#4 It’s dreary and dark at 5 o’clock. Rather than rushing home for another night of binge-watching, why not spend an extra 20 minutes in the office working on your award entry?
Bonus reasons for Pinnacle winners
#5 Get validation for yourself and your team. A Pinnacle award is another proof point of the value that marketing provides to your company! Be sure to share the news internally on your company’s internal communications channels. Proudly display your trophy where others will see it.
#6 Generate some good team karma. An external award reminds you and your overworked marketing department that you rock. Take a short break at work to celebrate the award, preferably with coffee and donuts!
#7 Boost recruiting efforts. Your department will be more attractive to ambitious candidates who want to join a marketing department that is doing great work.
#8 Get recognition from your marketing peers. Lucky winners get a few minutes of fame during the Pinnacle awards event. Who knows – your next boss might be in the audience. And be sure to add your award to your LinkedIn profile and resume.
#9 Winning is fun! Let’s face it, we all like recognition and awards. But you can’t win if you don’t enter.
What are your reasons for entering Pinnacle? Please share them!
Katie Kilfoyle Remis is the social media manager, SEO expert, and blog editor at Carestream Health. She has won Pinnacle awards for her individual projects. Also, in 2018, the Carestream marketing team won Marketer of the Year in the for-profit category.