Local College Students Mentored by Rochester Marketing Professionals
AMA | Rochester provides vibrant Marketing programs, networking opportunities, educational training, collegiate awards and student volunteer opportunities to our young marketing professionals attending Western New York universities and colleges.
The AMA | Rochester Professional Chapter has started the planning for the February 2015 AMA|Rochester Professional Chapter Collegiate Conference, interested colleges, universities, and professional organizations in participating with the conference contact Russ McDonald AMA |Rochester – VP Collegiate Relations via email at rama@ama-rochester.org.
View the full 2014 Collegiate Conference Program Brochure and the 2014 event photos on the Facebook Photo Album for the event.

Feedback from the February 21, 2014 Conference

“The best collegiate conference that I have ever attended. Having a panel of seasoned executives and recent graduates brought especially relevant and meaningful perspectives. Every single minute brought fresh ideas and great recommendations. The network event was a terrific added bonus. Our students returned motivated and inspired. They are definitely more prepared and enthusiastic about opportunities. SJFC and all of the outstanding speakers provided a wonderful service to all. Russell McDonald and the entire Rochester AMA showed great vision and leadership in motivating and organizing the event. The event should be a model for AMA and collegiate chapter nationwide.” Dr. Paul Richardson, Faculty Advisor Niagara University Marketing Association, Director, MBA Program, Associate Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration, Niagara University.

Rochester Institute of Technology Attendees
“The inter-collegiate conference held at St. John Fisher (thank you SJFC for being such a great host!) was a wonderful day. There were so many great firsts:
- First time we had marketing students from different colleges together for a learning event.
- First time we brought thought leaders together for a whole day and focused on what it takes to be a great marketer.
- First time the AMA sponsored an event focused on the entry level candidate.
- First time we held a networking event designed to feature great marketing candidates from our excellent area colleges. Overall it was a success and feedback from students indicates we should do it again. Looking forward to next year!”
- Laura Dwyer, Faculty Advisor SCB, RIT Marketing Club,Rochester Institute of Technology, Saunders College of Business, and AMA|Rochester President Elect (volunteer role).

St. John Fisher Attendees
“I heard wonderful feedback from our students. Thank you for all of the time that you dedicated to making this a wonderful event. We are thrilled that the inaugural event was able to take place here at Fisher. I look forward to assisting with any future collaborative ventures!” Amanda Burns, Assistant to the Dean, The St. John Fisher College School of Business.
“I wish this type of event was available to me when I was in school. I needed to hear from someone like me that the unconventional path is okay.” Alex Weiser, Content Manager, Butler/Till.

Niagara University Attendees
“I really enjoyed the program. The students are fortunate to have such a solid, professional, active support group to help get them launched. I particularly enjoyed interacting with a handful of students over lunch. Let me know if you need anything else.” Jennifer Hamberger, Chief Marketing Officer, Freed Maxick CPAs, P.C.
“I felt the event was a huge success. The students came prepared with a number of questions and we could tell they were truly interested in the knowledge that we were able to provide them with. As the students graduate and begin their careers as marketers, they understand that they will be navigating through a very tough environment. One that is changing day by day and they are already taking the proper steps to ensure that they’ll be successful by attending events like these.” Ryan Marks, Insights Manager, Brand Networks.
‘The young professional panel discussion encouraged students invest time and energy into pursuing a career that they were passionate about. A common theme was taking pay cuts and big risks in exchange for faster career growth in a start-up or starting their own businesses.” Barb Cote’, Marketing Consultant, Cote’ Creative.
“I was pleased to have such an experienced group of high-level marketers on the panel I chaired. They gave amazing insights on how to best approach a job search – before and after graduation. Beyond just the typical do’s and don’ts that you hope everyone knows, they emphasized having a personal brand, a way for candidates to differentiate themselves in an interview, on their resume, and when talking with a recruiter. Brand YOU is an integral part to their success.” Cathy Rubino Hines, President, The Marketing Collaborative, and AMA|Rochester – Immediate-Past President (volunteer role).
“As a panelist, it was an honor to participate with this group of highly motivated students. Their questions and insight were amazing. These student participants took a full Friday, put on their business clothes, asked insightful questions and actively participated. Many reached out after the event – it was obvious they absorbed the information.” JoAnn Linder, Director Global Marketing Communications, Carestream Health, and AMA|Rochester – VP Communications Director (volunteer role).