An Agency Perspective

Butler Till was honored to receive the AMA | Rochester’s Marketer of the Year Award for the “rebranding of Butler Till”. At last week’s breakfast I shared a short video about our rebranding efforts. It includes a behind-the-scenes view of the process we went through to reposition our service offerings, develop a new logo and website, and restructure our organization.
Check it out here: [VIDEO]
So what’s next for Butler Till? Well, we’ve already updated our website since the rebranding effort, because we’ve evolved even since last year.
We think the main takeaways from our experience are:
- Iteration is the new perfect: Continually evolve your brand image as your company changes.
- Activate your employees in the process—they know your brand the best and they’re more likely to adapt to change when they have a say in how it happens.

Author: Kimberly Jones
Butler/Till is a media & communications agency based in Rochester, NY.
Editor’s note: The application form for the 2013 Pinnacle Awards and the Marketer Of The Year Competition is now available at Applications are due March 8, 2013. The fee for each entry is $25 for members, and $75 for non-AMA members. There are more than 20 categories each in Non-Profit and For-Profit divisions.
You can join AMA to get the member pricing! Learn more about AMA|Rochester from Javier Bautista, or go register online.